The 3 "R"s to building a SitOnIt Bench

 When we think of economic development, urban/ community planning, it's principles foster the ideas of creating vibrant  walkable neighborhoods and communities that provides a sense of place for those living in urban cities.It's important to have this vision in mind, but it's equally important doing this in a sustainable way. 

 SitOnIt Detroit benches are built exclusively with reclaim wood. We make sure that each bench is recycled so that we can re-purpose & reuse to provide outdoor seating at bus stop and public parks. Our bonus "R" word is "Reading" to which each bench is incorporated with a free lending library.

 The three "R" to building a SOIDetroit bench is applying the practice of being sustainable. Recycle, Re-purpose and Re-using valuable wood material is key. In our efforts in building these benches across the city we've saved over 10,000 tons of lumber from ending up in a land fill. Working with reclaimed wood is no easy task, it's quite labor intensive but finished product not only looks good but your being green in the process. 

If you interested in learning more about the project be sure to follow the blog!! If you'd like to donate or would like a bench in your neighborhood contact us:


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